7 Forms Of Drug Rehab That Could Prevent You From Having A Criminal Record

There are many reasons why anyone might enter a drug rehab program, and one of them could be their desire to avoid ever having a criminal record due to being convicted of the possession of drugs. Such a criminal record can be a huge barrier to finding employment in the future, so avoiding having one is a big incentive to get off drugs.

When it comes to considering the most appropriate drug rehabilitation program for yourself there will be many factors that influence your choice. Your level of dependency, your medical condition, your location, and your available finances are all likely to form part of the discussion you have with those who are supporting you such as your doctor, family, and friends.

You will certainly not be short of options as there are several different types of drug rehab available. This means it is important you take time to consider each of them and select the one which you believe is right for you. Below we have outlined 7 different drug rehab programs and note that they are in no particular order of success or preference.

Detoxification: Regarded as the most abrupt means of coming off drugs, this is where you simply stop taking them. You will almost certainly experience withdrawal symptoms and their severity will depend on your usage and the type of drug you are using. It is recommended that you join a support group or ask family and friends for help during detoxification and withdrawals.


How a Violence Restraining Order Can Protect You

When couples split up one party may become violent or aggressive towards the other. In fact, this often happens well before any separation and can be the sole cause of the split. It can help to take out a Violence Restraining Order (VRO) on them to ensure they don’t come near you.  Your criminal lawyers can help you to apply and tell you whether the court is likely to grant the VRO.

No person should have to live in fear of another.  Abuse takes many forms from physical injury to threatening by phone, text message or face to face, to destroying or harming your belongings. It can be stalking you or intimidating you in any way.  It can be done by a spouse or partner, ex- spouse or ex- partner, parent, an adult child or relative, or anyone else.

When you apply for a VRO you will need to tell the court what intimidation or abuse you have suffered.  The court will then make an interim VRO and the police will deliver it to the person involved, called the respondent. They have a 21 day limit in which to object. If they don’t object, the interim order becomes a final order and the person must comply with the terms or face a fine or gaol time.
